Connecting Your Kids to Jesus.

We care about your kids! Our Kids Ministry is designed to partner with families in providing your kids with a solid foundation of biblical knowledge, connections with other families, and opportunities to serve and love others. Together we want to help children discover and embrace a growing relationship with Jesus Christ.  

All of our activities are made to be age-appropriate, engaging, safe, and last but not least, FUN! 


See God for who He is

See themselves the way God sees them

Love others the way God does! 

Love God. Love people. Love life.

Current kids ministry calendar

Weekly Gatherings

Each Sunday morning, our kids' ministry team runs three age-specific gatherings during all our Sunday services to teach and help children connect with God. 

NURSERY (Infants-Age in Room 206): The Nursery is a safe and positive care is provided to allow parents a worry-free worship service and help young children know how much God loves them! 

SMALL WONDERS (Ages 3-5 in Room 207):  Small Wonders helps our preschool aged children engage in age-appropriate activities, creative lessons, and music to help children get a clear first impression of their loving heavenly Father. 

KIDZ CONNECTION (K-5 in the MTP Kids Large Group room): Kidz Connection helps elementary kids own their own faith and build a firm foundation of biblical knowledge. We want to show kids that the Bible is the source of wisdom and truth and how what they learn applies to their daily lives. 

Big Events

These events are designed to connect your family to God and the Church, but also just to have some fun as well! 

March 30 - Easter Jam @ 10am

Join us for our Easter Jam family experience with a giant egg hunt for babies-4th grade and loads of prizes!!! 

November 10- Operation Christmas Child Packing Party (9:30-11:30am)

Come and help us pack 500 shoeboxes for kids in need around the world!

December 8 - Jingle Jam (4 p.m.-6 p.m.)

Celebrate Christmas with the whole family and take time to remember the reason for the season. 

Baby Dedication

Each Spring

Baby dedication is a sacred time where parents will have a chance to commit publicly to raising their child in the church and to strive to be a Godly influence in their lives. During this event, families can gather to celebrate the beginning of life that they will help chase after Christ. 

If you are interested in getting your child dedicated, please let Ginger know via e-mail. 

Kids Choir (K-5th Grade)

Every Other Wednesday (September-May) from 6-8 p.m.

Do you love to worship, sing and dance? Kids' Choir is an opportunity for children (K-5th Grade) to worship, serve, and grow together in community. Our kids choir will do special music during our worship services, special events, musicals, and serve by singing in our community. We meet every other Wednesday from 6-8pm starting in September. Please see quarterly calendars for Kids Choir dates.

Additionally, we will be performing a musical at the end of this summer. This will be an chance for kids to not only sing, but share a powerful message about Christ to those who watch the performance. Please stay tuned for dates on tryouts and practices throughout the summer. 

Bible Explorers (3-5th Grade)

Every Other Sunday (January-April) from 4 p.m.-5:30 p.m.

Bible Explorers is a 5 week class for all children presently in the grades 3-5 and their parents. This class is designed to help children begin to grasp the importance of God’s Word in their lives by learning how to use the Bible, learn the history of the Bible, and generally familiarize themselves with the names of the books of the Bible.  Each child will receive an NIV Adventure Bible at a special presentation upon completion of the class. This will be a very special day marked as an important “milestone” in their faith journey. Bible Explorers meet biweekly on Sundays in January-April from 4-5:30pm in the MTP Kids Large Group Room. We will be starting up our 2023 Bible Explorers Class on January 22.

Tweenz (5th Grade)

Every Other Sunday (September-June) from 4 p.m-6 p.m. 

Tweenz is our small group designed just for 5th graders. The purpose of Tweenz is to give 5th graders, who many times fall “between” kids ministry and student ministry, the opportunity to develop a closer more personal relationship with Jesus Christ while making connections with each other. Tweenz will typically meet biweekly on Sunday evenings from 4-6pm in the MTP Kids large group room from September to June. Please see quarterly calendars for Tweenz dates.

Small Wonders - What We're Learning

Have you ever been on a bus filled with people? There are grandparents, kids, teenagers, people going to the store, people going to work, people going to school. They may not know each other, but do you know what they all have in common? Jesus loves every one of them. Every. Single. One! Think about it this way, if Jesus was driving a bus, everyone would be invited to get on. EVERYONE! This month, you get to tell preschoolers that Jesus loves them. Jesus loves their family. Jesus loves their friends. Jesus loves everyone! And Jesus wants everyone to follow Him! So, crank up that bus! Get those wheels turning! There is a great big world that needs to hear that Jesus loves everyone!

Kidz Connection - What We're Learning

Have you ever thought about what makes you, you? We all have different backgrounds, families, or favorite colors. We all enjoy different sports, foods, vacations, and have different friends and experiences in life. Even twins have different fingerprints! Together, all of those pieces make up who we are. But we can’t understand who we are and what we were created to do without first understanding the way God sees us. Every single one of us was created in the image of God. But even as image bearers, we were created as unique. There is only one you, and this month we have the chance to explore how God can use the ways we were created to make a difference.