Grace Gala 2025

Grace Gala is a night where individuals with disabilities can enjoy an evening where they are honored and celebrated. We believe that our guests have been made in the image of God and bring so much to the table. We want them to walk away from this evening knowing that to be true for themselves as well. If you are interested in volunteering or attending, you can read more at the links below. 

Grace Gala 2025 Dates: April 11 from 6-9 p.m. and April 12 from 4-7 p.m. 

Volunteer Sign-Up

Guest Registration


The best party all year couldn't happen without over 250 volunteers. We are so grateful for each person who shows up to serve our guests. Volunteers of all ages are welcome. For volunteers younger than 12, they will serve alongside their parents for the evening. To serve as a buddy, volunteers need to be 14 years or old. If you would like to volunteer, please register using the form below. 

Volunteer Registration

Guests and Caregivers

Our honored guests are the VIPs during Grace Gala. They will walk the red carpet, receive flowers, have a special dinner, take a limo ride, and dance the night away. This special night is a reminder to them that God loves them and calls them His masterpiece. Parents and caregivers are also treated to dinner, massages, and a time to simply rest. We encourage you to register early as the event does fill up! 

Guest Registration

Grace Gala Videos

The videos below will help you understand what Grace Gala is all about.