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Following Jesus doesn't simply start and end on Sunday. At Mount Pleasant, finding Christ-centered community is essential to growing and living out our faith as believers. Small groups are at the heart of that. Below, you'll find a list of groups that are currently meeting and what makes each group unique. Take some time to pray about which group you might be interested in joining. 

Fill out our interest form to connect to a small group

  • Ticen Small Group

    Time: Sundays @ 5:30 p.m. 

    Age Group: Young Families

    Where: The Ticens' House (South)

    Currently Studying: "Dream Big" by Bob Goff

    Status: Closed

    We are a group of younger families with young children. We eat well and have intriguing discussions. We also enjoy playing games and studying God's word, of course!

  • Rogers small group

    Time: Mondays @ 6:30 p.m. (Fall-Spring)

    Age Group: 60's+ 

    Where: Mount Pleasant Church (Room 215)

    Currently Studying: TBA

    Status: Closed

    We are a group that has met together for quite some time and enjoy studying together. In the summer, we meet once a month for a carry-in fellowship.

  • Wednesday Morning Bible Study

    Time: Wednesdays @ 10:00 a.m.

    Age Group: Older Adults

    Where: Mount Pleasant Church (Room 215)

    Currently Studying: On Hiatus

    Status: Open

    While our group is made up primarily of older adults, all are welcome to join us every Wednesday. This group has thoughtful discussion and a lot of fun together.

  • Swan Small Group

    Time: Tuesdays @ 6:30 p.m.

    Age Group: 40s-70s

    Where: Rotating (South)

    Currently Studying: Current Sermon Series

    Status: Closed

    We are a group of older adults who are passionate about learning and serving together in community. Typically, we spend time discussing the message that was delivered on Sunday mornings and occasionally, we enjoy a meal together. 

  • celebrate Recovery Step Study

    Time: Tuesdays @ 6:30 p.m.

    Age Group: Intergenerational 

    Where: Mount Pleasant Church (Room 215)

    Currently Studying: 12 Steps

    Status: Open

    We are an intergenerational group focused on recovery and leaning into where Christ is leading through this journey. This group is open to anyone struggling with hurts, habits, or hang-ups and is a deeper, more in-depth look at the 12 Steps.

  • Chapel small group

    Time: Wednesdays @ 6:30 p.m. 

    Age Group: Intergenerational 

    Where: Mount Pleasant Church (Chapel)

    Currently Studying: TBA

    Status: Open

    We are a group committed to learning, growing together and praying for the needs of the church and the community. Come join us!

  • Wednesday evening SMALL GROUP

    Time: Wednesdays @ 7:00 p.m.

    Age Group: 60s+   

    Where: Church Library

    Currently Studying: TBA

    Status: Closed

    We are a group of seniors who enjoy fellowship and studying the Scriptures. We take turns facilitating.

  • peters Small Group

    Time: Thursdays @ 7 p.m.

    Age Group: 40s-60s

    Where: Church Library

    Currently Studying: Current Sermon Series

    Status: Open

    We have room for additional members and are looking forward to continuing to connect! 

  • SATURDAY Prayer Group

    Time: Saturdays @ 10:30 a.m. 

    Age Group: Intergenerational 

    Where: Mount Pleasant Church (Chapel)

    Currently Studying: Prayer

    Status: Open

    We are a group committed to praying for the needs of church as well as the needs of each other, our community, nation, and world. We meet once a week in person. All are welcome to join us for this time of prayer.

  • LOST & FOUND Sunday school Class

    Time: Sundays @ 9:30 a.m. 

    Age Group: Intergenerational 

    Where: Mount Pleasant Church (216)

    Currently Studying: TBA

    Status: Open

    We are a friendly class that loves to have honest real discussion of whatever we are studying. Our class community has a wide range of ages from students to retired adults. All are valued and respected. In addition to connecting on Sunday mornings, we also participate in various church mission projects. 

  • GROWING IN GRACE Sunday school Class

    Time: Sundays @ 10:00 a.m. 

    Age Group: Senior Adults

    Where: Mount Pleasant Church (Room 215)

    Currently Studying: TBD

    Status: Open

    We are a welcoming class that enjoys fellowshipping and learning together. We have created a culture of caring within our group and lean in when someone in our class is struggling. 

  • coleman Sunday school Class

    Time: Sundays @ 10:00 a.m.

    Age Group: Senior Adults

    Where: Mount Pleasant Church (Library)

    Currently Studying: TBD

    Status: Open

    We are a welcoming class that enjoys fellowshipping and learning together.